Post Script: Essays in the Humanities, an interdisciplinary journal, was published continuously from 1981 until 2021 and produced three issues annually: Spring, Summer, and Fall.
See the archives for past publications, including Post Script's Annual Film Studies Bibliographies, articles, interviews, special topics issues, and forums.
Some topics contained in Post Script include:
film as language and literature
film music
film as visual art (painting, cinematic style, set design, costuming)
film and photography
film history
the response of film and the humanities to technology
interdisciplinary studies in theme and genre
film and American Studies
documentary production and ethics
reappraisals of seminal essays
book reviews and interviews
Signed articles represent the views of their authors. POST SCRIPT, Inc., its editors and editorial board, and institutional co-sponsors do not take responsibility for statements, either fact or opinion, made by contributors.